{{clan_tag}} {{clan_name2}}
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Statistic date: {{dateen}} ({{timezone}})
Find player:
Players in clan: | {{users.length}} | |
Players in TOP{{frontier}}: | {{top}} | ({{percent}} %) |
Players who have not glorypoints: | {{pass}} | ({{percent2}} %) |
Clan average winrate in front: | {{avgwr}} | |
Clan position in rating: | {{position}} | |
Clan fame points: | {{points}} |
Find player:
- 1-{{frontier}} position
- have not glorypoints
- get no prizes
№ | Nick | Position | Points | Points to {{frontier/1000}}k ({{globalPoints}}) | Battles | avg. winrate | days in clan |
{{$index + 1}} | {{user.name}} | {{user.position}} | {{user.points}} | {{user.left_points}} | {{user.ivent_battles}} | {{user.wr}} | {{user.days}} |